Constantly repairing your furnace and heating system can quickly stress you out as a business owner or homeowner. The costs of replacing individual components can add up fast, and you still may be suffering from a less efficient heating system. At Raco, we can retrofit your existing furnace setup with new equipment that is more durable, energy-efficient, and long-lasting. There are also situations where a certain furnace model or part has been recalled and needs to be replaced, and we have plenty of experience in those areas.

In commercial settings, a malfunctioning furnace can create unplanned repair expenses, and this can put a damper on your productivity and sales. You want to fix your heating system quickly, and could end up paying more for multiple repairs, instead of replacing the entire unit. An HVAC retrofit can take care of all the issues that keep popping up, and you can rest easy knowing that your furnace will adequately warm your office or warehouse throughout the winter. If a part has been recalled, we can provide the replacement and protect you from a furnace breakdown.

Furnace replacement and repair are our specialty, and we will always do whatever we can to get your heating system back in order. If the rooftop unit on your building is constantly breaking, call us to take about a retrofit today. We will install a furnace model that works with your current duct configuration and zoning setup, and you’ll enjoy a more energy-efficient furnace all season long.